Restoration Stories

Restoration of a 1908 Napier Town Cabriolet Radiator
This car is a film star as it appeared regularly in the TV series Downton Abby. On completion the radiator was shipped back to the owner in England who reports that the radiator cools exceptionally well, especially when on the set and it is required to be idling for some time.
This radiator was sent to us for a full but sympathetic restoration as the car that it comes from in England is in original condition but with a lovely aged patina.
The owner was looking for a result that was in keeping with the cars 100+ age. Of particular importance was that the radiator core should be as close as practical to the original tube size, design and pattern and retain the original engraved script on the top tank.
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Manufacturing dH98 Mosquito radiators and heaters, and re-building the oil cooler for KA114
The de Havilland dH98 Mosquito has large but compact cooling sets mounted in the inner leading edge of each wing, with the set for each engine being a mirror image of the other. Each cooling set, comprises the engine oil cooler, the main engine coolant radiator, and the cabin or gun heater, all sitting on a common tray. English examples were made by Morris Motors Radiators Division Oxford, Australian examples by National Radiators Adelaide, and in Canada by a company that we have yet to determine.
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Restoration of a 1928 Armstrong Siddley radiator.
This radiator had many challenging aspects to its restoration. The core is V shaped and leans back some 120 back off the vertical. This means that there are no right angles in the three planes of the core. Additionally, the nose is rounded and the sides are tapered. Together, these add up to make this core a real challenge to manufacture accurately.
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